Mother/Father Wounds in Frisco, TX

Parent/Child relationships are complex. The same person who offers you love, sometimes also hurts you. Most parents are trying their best, and yet they can leave an immense amount of heartache in their path. Others, should not have been parents at all.

I can help you find peace in your painful relationship with your parent. We will honor the wonderful memories you have, while also acknowledging and healing the wounded and confused parts of you. You will learn to grieve the mother or father you thought you had and accept the parent you actually do have. As an adult, you have the right to choose what kind of relationship you want, if any at all, and what boundaries are necessary.

Other People Don’t See What You See

It’s like your mom has two personalities. There’s her public persona… the warm, engaging person who everyone is drawn to; and then there’s the woman you know… critical, emotionless, and self-centered.

How Can a Mother Not Love Her Child?

For years you have asked yourself, “what is it about me that my mother can not love me?” You have tried to earn her love by graduating with honors, getting a high-paying job, and spoiling her with gifts. But it is still met with criticism.

Even though others see you as “accomplished,” you don’t feel comfortable in your own skin. Sometimes you fear you also have two sides to your personality.

Counseling Can Teach You How to Stop Gaslighting Yourself

I know you are feeling heartbroken, scared, and alone. It’s scary to think about asking for help because when you have asked in the past, you have ended up feeling more hurt and alone.

Today can be the last day of feeling so alone. Healing mother wounds is my specialty. Together, we will find the clarity and healing that has always been just beyond your reach.

If your relationship with your mother is more hurtful than loving, but you tell yourself “it isn’t so bad,” you are gaslighting yourself.

We will work to uncover happy memories, because those should be treasured. And we will take an honest look at your mother’s harmful behaviors and the impact it has had on you and your loved ones.

For possibly the first time, you will understand what a healthy relationship with a parent looks and feels like. When we are done, you will be able to determine what kind of relationship, if any, you want with your mother, and you will feel empowered to establish the necessary boundaries.

Schedule a Mother/Father Wounds Consultation

If you are ready to heal the hole in your heart, call today for your free 15 minute consultation. By the end of our conversation, your instincts will tell you if I am the person you want to work with. Give us a call at 469-747-1826 today to get started, or request an appointment through our secure online form.