Your Story Is Not Yet Finished
Lasting Healing Comes From Understanding

In-Person and Online Counseling for Individuals, Couples, and Families in Frisco, TX

Counseling is a lot of things, but it is not magic. What a good counselor offers is a safe and comfortable environment. One where you feel like you are sitting with a trusted friend who gets you, knows how to help, and most importantly, will not share your story. And providing that experience is one of my strengths. PS Counseling Frisco is a safe place for you to explore the hard things in life.

In counseling, you will feel seen, heard, and understood. For 50 minutes we pause “life” and focus on one thing – what you need. 

Counseling is where generational patterns are broken. The explosive anger that overtakes you like a dark cloud can be tamed. New ways of managing the difficulties in life are explored, and you will soon be modeling healthier patterns for your children. Can you imagine how your life would have been different if your parents had sought the help they needed?

  • Counseling is where the labels you have been given are removed
  • Haunting memories are quieted
  • The emotional storm in your body is calmed
  • Beliefs are challenged
  • Hope is renewed
closeup of a daisy

Welcome to PS Counseling Frisco

Is “complicated” an understatement when you think about your relationship with your mom? The same person who says they love you, sometimes also hurts you. Most moms are trying their best and yet they can leave an immense amount of pain in their path. And for others, they should never have even had children. 

I can help you find peace in your painful relationship with your mother. We will honor the wonderful memories the two of you have had, while also acknowledging and healing the wounded and confused part of you. You will learn to grieve the mother you thought you had and accept the mother you do have. I will encourage you to consider what kind of relationship you want, and then we will focus on identifying what boundaries are needed and how you can communicate them. You are an adult now, and that means you have a say in all your relationships, even the one with your mom.

There is a reason you are seeking the help of a therapist. You may be hoping that counseling can help… with the right therapist, I know it can.

One of the most important traits of an effective therapist and a predictor of client success is how relatable the therapist is. You will quickly learn that I am not a stuffy therapist who just sits and nods. I’m more like the girl next door, but even better because I am extensively trained – including in the trauma approaches of EMDR and EFT. I have a soft heart, yet I promise your trauma is not too much for me. My first career was as a nurse, so I am comfortable with big emotions, and I know how to offer comfort.

I don’t believe in the “fake it till you make it” mentality. Rather, you will achieve the lasting change you are seeking by understanding why you do the things you do and exploring healthier ways to get those same needs met.

As a trauma therapist, I understand that few issues are surface level. Suggesting someone take up boxing to address their anger is simply putting a band-aid on the problem. At PS Counseling Frisco, I know that true healing comes from understanding what you are screaming inside as you throw each verbal or physical punch.

What my clients want you to know about working with me…

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