Individual Therapy in Frisco, TX

In-Person and Online

In-person therapy offers a more personal and connected counseling experience. Face-to-face interactions and receiving another’s undivided attention are basic human needs. However, with the explosion of technology, many people spend far more time with a screen than other people.

Happy black man talking to his psychologist.

We are meant to journey through life together and interact with others regularly, especially when we need support. While online counseling has been an incredibly helpful tool and is a wonderful alternative, I will always recommend in-person therapy when it is an option.

If your best efforts are not getting you the results you are seeking, allow me to walk alongside you in your time of need. Maybe it feels like the people you love are strangers. Loving others sometimes hurts. If it’s getting harder to silence that inner voice that says, “you’re not good enough”, “not lovable”, or “you always mess things up”, contact me today.

Schedule Individual Therapy

You don’t have to do this alone. If you’re interested in counseling in the Frisco area, contact PS Counseling Frisco today to speak with Licensed Professional Counselor Renee Cagle, LPC, NCC. Give us a call at 469-747-1826 today to get started, or request an appointment through our secure online form.

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This content has been reviewed by Licensed Professional Counselor Renee Cagle